HIKING, HIKING in Iadului valley

Meziad Chalet – Leșu Dam

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Meziad Chalet – Leșu Dam

Start / arrival Meziad Chalet / “Baraj Leşu” Motel
Route Meziad Chalet – the derivation to Meziad Cave – Stogu peak – Piciorul Porcului peak – Vâlcele Valley – Bridge over the Cu Cale Valley – Camping “Coada Lacului” – on the road, at the “Baraj Leşu” Motel
Distance 12 km + 11 km on the road
Level difference 407 m+, 230 m –
Estimated travel time 3 hours (“Coada Lacului” campsite), 7 hours (“Baraj Leşu” Motel)
Marking traseu triunghi albastra
Accessibility  any season
Discover Meziad Cave, Coada Lacului holiday village, Leșu lake, Iadului Valey

Route description

Marked with a blue triangle, the route of the Meziad chalet – Baraj Leşu motel, through the Coada Lacului holiday village, is 23 kilometers long. Of these, the last 11 km are on the road. The advantage of this route is that, in about 3 hours, it can take tourists from Meziad to the picturesque holiday village on Iadului Valley. On the way, to the ruins of the “Baraj Leşu” motel, in the hamlet of Remeţi Glade – Bulz commune, the road takes another 3-4 hours.

As the lake has been dry for more than a decade, due to the dam consolidation works, a possible alternative is the old road that went along the valley. Avoiding the serpentines on the slopes, you can reach the dam in about an hour.

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Following this route requires increased attention in the meadow and meadow sectors, in order to avoid getting lost.

Like the route marked with a red triangle, this one also starts from Meziad Chalet. Unfortunately, the chalet, once a landmark of Bihor tourism, is now a ruin.

Because we are so close, it is worth taking a short detour to visit the Meziad Cave, one of the largest and most beautiful caves in Padurea Craiului mountains. It is good to keep in mind that the visit to the cave takes a little over an hour. We advise you to add this time to the calculated time to reach your destination, to be sure that you will arrive in time.

Returning to the Meziad chalet, the path marked with a blue triangle climbs, quite pronounced, on the first gorge upstream and reaches the Stogu Peak (or Stagu 746 meters). From this point we keep the ridge path for about two kilometers, crossing the Stangului Hill. You will notice that we are going, following at least for a stretch of road, the same route as the route marked with a red triangle. From Stângu Hill, we descend to Piciorul Porcului ridge, located near Dealul Mare Peak (976 meters).

From here the route continues down to the Vâlcele valley. On the way down, our route will meet, on the left side, a road on which the red triangle marking goes on to the Baraj Leşu motel (Poiana Remeţi hamlet – Bulz commune). To the right, our route, marked with a blue triangle, continues on the left slope, upstream, until it leads to the road coming from the village of Meziad. At this point, we turn left on the road and cross the concrete bridge built over the waters of Iadului Valley. We are in the holiday village of Coada Lacului. We turn left and, going parallel to the valley, we reach the center of the village. From here, following the direction of the Iadului Valley, the road takes a slight right and climbs slowly on the right bank, following the sinuous line of what was once the shore of Lake Lesu. From here, the “Baraj Leşu” motel is 11 kilometers away.

Experiences in Iadului valley

Tourist attractions in Iadului valley