A frothy fan, roaming among ferns and coniferous forests, in a picturesque and wild setting, the Idutului waterfall is located a short distance from the road that connects the resort Stâna de Vale and the holiday village Coada Lacului Leşu.
From the road, a path climbs through the forest, advancing parallel to the Ieduț creek. Along the way, hikers will encounter another waterfall, smaller in size, which can be admired from the bridge that crosses the riverbed. After about 20 minutes of walking, you can already hear the roar of water falling from a height of 15 meters in a small natural pool.
The spectacle of waterfall is amplified in rainy periods or in spring, when the snow melts, when the flow of the stream is higher. The waterfall is well known by all photography lovers and sought after by tourists in all seasons.
The Ieduțului waterfall can be reached from the county road 108J following the route marked with a blue dot. The route is part of a circuit of waterfalls on the Iadului Valley, but it can be traveled only on the segment DJ 108J – Ieduțului waterfall and return.
By car:
On the route Oradea – Deva (E 79)
Beiuș – Budureasa – Stâna de ValeOn the route Oradea – Cluj (E60)
Bucea / Bratca – Bulz – Remeți – Coada Lacului – Stâna de Vale
Note: DJ 108J that connects Coada Lacului and Stâna de Vale is currently in a process of modernization, which makes it very difficult to practice with cars.
The route can be used for access:
Borod – Bratca – Damiș – Roșia – Căbești – Remetea – Petreasa – Delani – Beiuș – Budureasa – Stâna de Vale