Those who entered the Osoi cave, also called the cave in the Poienii valley, say that it would be “equal in beauty to the Bear cave”. The length of the cave is 3,177 meters, and some galleries have impressive dimensions. The Great Hall is 37 meters long, 31 meters wide and 12 meters high.

The cave, a place of vast underground spaces, is part of the adventure caves network from Pădurea Craiului. The length of the route proposed to those who dare to venture underground is 1,300 meters long, and the duration of the visit is 3-4 hours. Underground, you will discover real fields of stalagmites, resembling candles, up to four meters high and columns of calcite, white, immaculate. The small pools of water, cover the entire lower surface of the cave.

Attention, the visit is allowed only in the company of accredited guides!

In order to visit the caves in Pădurea Craiului, tourists must contact a local operator, who will make them a price offer and facilitate the visit, in accordance with the visiting regulations. A specialized guide will accompany them throughout the visit, and personal protective equipment will be provided by tour operators active in the area.

Consult the visit regulations and the description of the cave.


By car

On the route Oradea – Cluj (E60)

Oșorhei – Copăcel – Vârciorog

Tileagd – Tilecuș – Vârciorog

On the route Oradea – Deva (E79)

Sambata – Dobrești – Vârciorog

On foot

From the center of the commune turn left on DC 767D. After a short distance the road enters the forest and on the left side, a large entrance in the wall of the mountain is very visible.

What to do in Vârciorog

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