Ponorul Runcşorului is located on the right side of the valley of the same name, in the Damiș depression. The place is characterized by specialists as one of the most interesting karst phenomena from Padurea Craiului mountains. The locals also call it “La Întorsuri”.

The meadow where the waters are lost underground, through a few holes, is located on the downstream end of the Runcșor valley. There the water makes a wide, meandering loop. At high floods, the entire dead end turns into a temporary lake.

All around, this floodplain is guarded by steep slopes, 10-25 meters high. The waters that enter the ground in this place come to light again in the Bulbuci spring, giving rise to the Toplicioara creek. In the right slope of the valley there is the cave from Întorsuri or the cave from Ponorul Runcșorului, with a length of 223 meters. It is recommended that the cave be admired from a distance because it is not arranged for tourist purposes.


By car:

On the route Oradea – Deva (E 79)
Beiuș – Delani – Petreasa – Remetea – Căbești – Roșia – towards Damiș

On the route Oradea – Cluj (E60)
Borod – Bratca – Damiș – towards Roșia


Pe jos:

Un indicator aflat pe partea stângă a drumului arată direcția de urmat către valea Runcșorului. Itinerarul continuă pe un drum forestier. După ce drumul trece peste vale, pe un pod de lemn, la circa 200 de metri distanță, pe partea dreaptă, se vede meandrul pârâului Runcșor.

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