Experiences, discoveries, memories!
The show caves from Pădurea Craiului are among the most interesting in the Apuseni mountains and certainly the most accessible. A visit to the depths of the earth is one of those experiences that you should not miss in a life time.
Unguru Mare Cave is the cave with the most impressive portal in the Padurea Craiului mountains, no less than 32 meters high! A place whose history goes back in time to … prehistory.
Discovered at the beginning of the 20th century, the cave from Vadu Crișului was the first cave arranged for tourism in Romania. The beauty of the speleothems is enhanced by the imaginative names that man has given them: The globe, the Tomb of Mahomed, the White Eagle, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs …
In just a few years, the Crystal cave from the Farcu mine has become one of the most famous show caves in Romania. Here visitors can admire the beauty, as bright as it is fragile, of calcite crystals, an experience reserved so far only for cavers.
The only natural underground bridge known and accessible to tourists, can be crossed from one end to the other, in the depths of the Meziad cave. Through the huge halls, whose ceiling rises up to 35 meters high, once lived huge animals, especially cave bears and cave lions. Also here, the first inhabitants of these lands found shelter, leaving behind archeological testimonies but also beautiful legends.
Discovering the beauty and mystery of a piece of the world of eternal darkness can change your perception of the outside world.