The green route

Alergare montana in Padurea Craiului valea iadului traseu verde featured

The green route

Start / arrival Carpathia guesthouse from Remeți village
Route Carpathia Guesthouse – Daica Valley – Brătcuței Valley – Daica Valley – Carpathia Guesthouse
Distance 24 km
Cumulative positive level difference 840 m+
Estimated maximum travel time (in easy running combined with hiking): 4 hours and 30 minutes
Difficulty level medium
Recommendations  technical running shoes, water at least 2 l regardless of temperature, food, clothing appropriate to the season and specifics of trail running, telephone, lighting source, a big smile

Route description

The route starts at Carpathia Guesthouse and climbs the Daica Valley for 5 km. Reaching its highest point, the trail running route descends into the Brătcuţa valley.

At the end of the slope the route turns to the right and continues to climb slowly, to the end of the valley. From here the runners will continue their route, taking a slight left and climbing, steeply, through the wooded area.

Arriving in a meadow, the route follows a dirt road that enters the forest again. This is also the steepest part of the route. From the top, the mountain running route turns slightly right and descends to the Daica valley.

The route reaches the county road 108, a road that it will follow for 1.5 kilometers to the finish point.


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