VIA FERRATA in Crișului Repede valley, VIA FERRATA in Pădurea Craiului

Via Ferrata route “Casa Zmeului”

Padurea Craiului via ferrata Valea Crisului Casa Zmaului

Via Ferrata route ``Casa Zmeului``

Location The via ferrata route “Casa Zmeului” is located in Vadu Crișului, Bihor County
GPS GPS access: 46 ° 58’33.2 ″ N, 22 ° 30’27.5 ″ E or 46.974972, 22.507750

GPS Start Via Ferrata: 46 ° 58’16.4 ″ N, 22 ° 30’48.8 ″ E or 46.971230, 22.513550

Degree of difficulty C
Total length 215 m
Level difference 150 m
Total travel time 2 hours

  • Duration of the route on the access path: 30 minutes
  • Duration of the via ferrata route: 1 hour
  • Duration of the journey on the retreat path: 30 minutes
Mandatory minimum equipment
  • helmet
  • harness and special lanyard for via ferrata, provided with shock absorption mechanism
  • 2 special carabiners for the lanyard
  • optional: gloves
  • On the blue dot tourist marking, up to Vadu Crișului village. The marking goes down exactly to the sports hall, where the route started.
  • On the blue dot tourist marking, up to the Vadu Crișului Cave area.

Optimal period: May – October

The via ferrata route will not be covered
  • on rainy days because the wet rock is slippery and there is an increased risk of injury;
  • when the route is covered with snow or ice;
  • when there is a risk of thunderstorms.
Access costs free

Useful information

The route can be covered by people with a minimum age of 16 years, a minimum height of 1.50 meters and good physical condition.

It is recommended to travel the route in small groups of 5-6 people, accompanied by authorized guides.

Via ferrata is an activity with high risk potential and requires good physical and mental condition. The information presented here should only be used together and taking into account the level of experience and training you have. CAPDD Bihor cannot be held responsible for any physical or moral damage caused by the use of the information presented here or in any of its publications.

Emergency call: 0-SALVAMONT, ie 0725.826.668,or the unique number for emergency calls 112.GPS coordinates of the route, for location: 46°58’16.4″N 22°30’48.8″E.

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