Run freely in Pădurea Craiului mountains
Trail running means running in the heart of nature. It is a sport and a lifestyle at the same time, which moves your whole body.
It involves concentration, attention and being one with the path you are running on.
When you run in nature, you focus on every step, you control your breathing, you think less and you perceive your emotions differently.
When going up, you alternate running with walking, going down, you have to be careful where you step. You use your hands to the maximum to keep your balance. This state of mind is what defines mountain running. And it is perhaps the reason that makes it so popular among lovers of nature and outdoor movement.
Starting with 2019, in Pădurea Craiului, trail running enthusiasts have at their disposal 5 marked routes, with different degrees of difficulty, located in the Crisului Repede Gorge and in Roșiei Valley.
Trail running routes
The Mișidului Route
The route of the Mișid Valley is as short as it is spectacular. The route crosses the stream, through the valley from which it took its name, giving runners the opportunity to cool off in the cold mountain water.
The Pojorata route
On its first 14 km, the Pojorâta trail running route is common with the Deventului one. This route passes by the Devenţului caves, through the Crisului Repede Gorge and includes viewpoints on both sides.
The Devențului route
The Devențului route reveals to the athletes who cross it panoramic images over the Crisului Repede Gorge, offering them the possibility to run in an area defined by ispectacular karst landscape.
The route of the Roșia Valley
The trail running route is an easy one, being very well highlighted in the field. It offers runners at several points along the route a 360-degree panorama of the surroundings.
The route of the Hills
The route of the Hills takes the runners to two important tourist points in the Roşia area: the Cave with Crystals from the Farcu mine and the Traditional Casa complex.
The red route
The route starts from Carpathia Guesthouse in Remeți. After a short section on the asphalt, the route turns right, towards Izvorului Valley.
The blue route
The route starts from the Carpathia pension. After a short stretch on the asphalt, the route turns right, towards the Izvorului valley. After a rather steep climb through a rocky canyon you reach a smoother part.
The yellow route
The route starts from the Carpathia guesthouse. After about 1.5 kilometers on asphalt, the trail running route climbs slightly on the Lungii valley. The stony path begins to gain height and crosses, twice, the stream that flows through this valley.
The green route
The route starts at Carpathia Guesthouse and climbs the Daica Valley for 5 km. Reaching its highest point, the trail running route descends into the Brătcuţa valley.