The red route

Alergare montana in Padurea Craiului valea iadului traseu rosu featured

The red route

Start / arrival Carpathia guesthouse from Remeți village
Route  Carpathia guesthouse – Izvorului Valley – Coada Lacului Leșu –- Carpathia guesthouse
Distance 36 km
Cumulative positive level difference 1.400 m+
Estimated maximum travel time (in easy running combined with hiking): 5 hours and 30 minutes
Difficulty level difficult
Recommendations technical running shoes profile, water at least 2 l regardless of temperature, food, clothing appropriate to the season and specifics of trail running, telephone, lighting source, a big smile

Route description

The route starts from Carpathia Guesthouse in Remeți. After a short section on the asphalt, the route turns right, towards Izvorului Valley.

The route climbs through a rocky canyon, then reaches a smoother part. Here the route winds along the stream. At the end of the valley, where the road junctions, runners will turn right.

From here the running path begins to climb steadily. Arriving on the ridge, the running route meets the tourist route marked with a blue stripe. The two routes go together for a stretch of road. At some point, the two routes begin to descend to the right.

Following the marking that represents a red silhouette of a runner, the route arrives in the tourist village of Coada Lacului (Leşu). From here the are 500 meters of running on asphalt (DJ 108J).

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The road turns right and begins to climb steeply on the opposite side of the valley. The trail running route continues following the hiking trail marked with a blue triangle. After a sharp turn to the right, the route becomes part of the tourist route marked with a red triangle, which it follows close to the destination.

A very steep climb and a small detour, which is worth doing, take tourists to Piatra Bulzului. From here you can see Lake Leşu (still dry) and the nearby peaks. The route continues effectively bypassing the lake and, after a long descent, it reaches the Leşu gorge. Here you reach the trail running route again. From this point there are only 3 kilometers left to run, on asphalt, to Carpathia guesthouse.


Experiences in Iadului valley

Tourist attractions in Iadului valley